Orthopedic Surgery
Here at Bashir NeuroSpine Institute, we are dedicated to provide best orthopedic services in Lahore. Our orthopedic surgeon in Lahore is one of the top doctors having UK based certifications and experience from different hospitals all over the world. We are treating all orthopedic related issues such as acute injuries, congenital and acquired disorders and chronic arthritic or overuse conditions of the bones, joints and their associated soft tissues, including ligaments, nerves and muscles, joint replacements and more.
UK Based Certified Orthopedic Surgeon
Dr. Mumraiz Naqshband
MBChB(NZ), FRACS Orth, FRCS Tr & Orth (England)
Asst. Professor King Edward Medical University
Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer Queen Mary, St Bart’s Medical Schools, University of London
Joint Replacement, Trauma and Arthroscopic Knee Fellowship Certified Surgeon, UK
Consultant Specialist Surgeon Queensland Health, Australia